Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hello There!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Rachel and I'll be keeping this blog as a journal to document my progress as I take on a 52 week-like challenge. I'm going to be doing two beading projects a week out of my "Bead and Jewelry 101" book I got for Christmas a couple of years ago. I'll take on two projects every week for the entire year. As I make things, I'll also be posting them on my Etsy shop, incase you like my projects so much that you want to buy them (which would be SO awesome! I'll try to see where I can post the link to my Etsy shop to make it easily accessible to everyone)

I started my interest in jewelry over one summer, probably when I was in middle school, when I would spend weeks at my Grandmother's house while I wasn't at camp. Every week at her house, there was usually a theme for the week, whether it was planned or not. Some weeks we'd make things out of polymer clay, other weeks we'd paint those little wooden trinkets you find at craft stores, one time we even made soaps! But the one that I feel like I loved the most was when we got to start a bead project. Since then, I used to make family members and friends necklaces, bracelets, and earrings for Christmas and birthdays, until I realized that my friends didn't really wear them. That was when I stopped. I'm finally going to start making jewelry again because I miss it. I loved the whole creative process and satisfaction that came along with making something, giving it to someone, and having them love it. So I'm picking it back up again through this challenge!

I'm going to start my first project sometime this week because the first of the new year is on Tuesday! Hope that whoever finds this blog finds it to be fun and possibly an insperation to try your own 52 week project!